How To Make Your Instagram Story Picture Longer And Shorter: 5 Easy Tips

  • By: Shajib Hossen Emon
  • Date: June 27, 2023
  • Time to read: 12 min.

Whether you’re a new or experienced Instagram user, you know that Stories are the new must-have feature on the platform. Stories let you share multiple photos and videos together in a brief, chronological story, and they’re a great way to connect with your followers. But figuring out the best way to make your stories longer and shorter can be tricky – so we’ve compiled a handy guide on the topic! In this blog, you’ll learn how to lengthen stories, make them longer than 5 seconds, change the seconds on stories, and more. So stop struggling with Instagram stories and start enjoying them to their fullest potential!

Table of Contents

How do you lengthen a story on Instagram?

When it comes to storytelling on Instagram, there’s a lot you can do to make your reels more engaging. One great way to do this is by adding visual interest with interesting fonts, borders, and shapes. Use expressive lighting and strong colors to create a story that’s captivating and easy to follow. As well, make use of hashtags to help you reach a wider audience more quickly. And don’t forget the length – stories on Instagram should be as long as possible to keep your followers hooked!

Why Is My Instagram Story Lasting Longer Than 24 Hours?

Instagram is a great way to share your stories with your followers. By using images and videos that are interesting and relevant, you can make your story last longer than 24 hours. In addition, make sure your story is short and engaging for users to keep them hooked for longer. By following these tips, you will increase the chances of people seeing your story and clicking on it!

How to Make Instagram Story Long than 24 Hours

If you want your Instagram story to be longer than 24 hours, there are a few things you can do. You can add more images and videos, or make it a storyboard with a beginning, middle, and end. Try adding in some creative elements like sound effects or filters to make it more engaging for viewers. Additionally, try using stories as a way to explore new interests or hobbies, or to tell a deeper story that wouldn’t fit into a single photo. In the end, experimenting is definitely the key to making your story stand out from the rest!

How to Make Instagram Story Long than 24 Hours
How to Make Instagram Story Long than 24 Hours

Re-upload the Story

Instagram is a great way to share your stories with the world, but sometimes stories can get cut short for a number of reasons. One way to combat this is by re-uploading your story onto Instagram. This will keep the story looking consistent and allow followers to experience it in its entirety. If you want to make your story longer, simply re-upload it onto Instagram.

Can You Make Your Instagram Story Longer Than 24 Hours?

If you’re looking to tell a longer story on Instagram, then make sure to include compelling images, videos, and captions. It all depends on the type of story you want to tell and how engaging it is. For example, if you’re a fashion blogger and want to feature a range of different outfits, make sure each outfit has a video clip or several images. By doing this, you’ll keep your followers engaged for a longer period of time. As long as your story is well-crafted and provides value to your followers, they’ll stick around for a while!

Can You Make Your Instagram Story Longer Than 24 Hours
Can You Make Your Instagram Story Longer Than 24 Hours?

What To Do If Instagram Story Is Lasting Longer Than 24 Hours

Instagram stories have quickly become a major social media trend, with users sharing beautiful and engaging photos and videos with friends and followers. However, stories can sometimes last longer than 24 hours, which can lead to problems such as low engagement rates and longer loading times. If your story is taking longer to load than 24 hours, there are a few things you can do to lengthen it. You can try using a different browser or device – as each one has its own speed and capacity issues. You can also try increasing the image size or compression – these will help reduce loading time. If your Instagram story is taking longer to load than 24 hours, there are a few things you can do to shorten it. You can delete stories that have low engagement rates or stories that are longer than 24 hours in length. In the latter case, you’ll have the option of saving them for later or deleting them entirely.

How do you make your Instagram stories longer than 5 seconds?

Instagram stories are a great way to showcase your content in a more interactive and engaging way. By adding more images and videos, and using shorter phrases that are easier to read, you can make your stories longer. You can also experiment with a wider range of colors and themes to make your Stories more dynamic and interesting. Keep in mind that stories should be less than 5 seconds long to keep users on the app longer.

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Can Instagram stories be longer than 15 seconds?

Instagram stories are a fun and engaging way to share your photos and videos with your followers. And starting from now, you’ll be able to go even longer with them! According to reports, Instagram is testing a new feature that will allow stories to be up to 30 seconds long. This means that you’ll be able to share more detail about your photos and videos, without them ending abruptly. Additionally, stories can be much longer than 15 seconds. In fact, you can go as long as 30 seconds if you want! This gives you a lot more opportunities to share your story in a visual way and show off your creativity. So go ahead and experiment with different story lengths to find the one that works best for your content and followers.

How do you post a 20 second story on Instagram?

Instagram is a great way to capture memories and share your story with the world. But how do you post a story that’s longer than a 20-second shot? Here are the simple steps: 1. Hold the shutter button down for as long as you want the shot to be, and then release it. 2. Choose an interesting background and add some filters if desired. 3. Share your amazing photo with the hashtag #20SecondStory. 4. Follow these simple steps to create a 20-second story on Instagram: 5. Make sure your camera is set to “long exposure” mode.

Can you change the seconds on Instagram stories?

Instagram stories are a great way to share photos and videos with your followers in a more engaging way. However, if you misplace a second or want to change the time on a story post, you can do so by following these simple steps: 1. Tap on the story post in your feed. 2. Under “Story Settings,” tap on “Seconds.” 3. Change the desired second value and then save your changes by tapping on “Save Changes.” 4. Under “Edit Story,” tap on “Seconds.” 5. Tap on “Save Changes.”

How long can an Instagram story be?

Instagram stories are a fun way to share snippets of your life with your followers. They can be up to 20 seconds long and can be 8 minutes long if you’re a pro user. As a beginner, it’s important to keep in mind the time limit for stories. This way, you won’t run the risk of having your followers get bored or disengaged. And of course, don’t forget to tag your story with the right hashtags!

How long can an Instagram story be
How long can an Instagram story be?

How do you extend the time of an Instagram story?

There’s never a wrong time to share a story on Instagram, but sometimes the clock is ticking and you just don’t have the time to edit it perfectly. That’s where the save story feature comes in handy! Once you’ve got the story edited to your satisfaction, just hit the share button and select Instagram Stories from the list. If you’re running a bit short on time, you can also save a story by hitting the save button on the bottom right corner of your screen. Lastly, if you want to upload a story that you’ve already saved, just hit the share button and choose Instagram Stories from the list. Voila! You’re ready to go!

How To Make Instagram Story Music Longer

In order to make your Instagram Story music longer, you’ll need to add more than just a few seconds of audio. You can actually increase the length of your music by adding captions or even creating an entire story around your song. This will help to engage users with your content and keep them coming back for more.
In addition, using Stories as an opportunity to promote other features or products that you offer can be very successful. By crafting interesting stories with catchy visuals and sound effects, you can create engaging pieces that are sure to grab people’s attention. And finally, always be prepared for customer feedback! Respond quickly and positively when they contact you about issues with playback on their device or questions about how best to use the Music feature in general.

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How To Make Instagram Story Music Longer

How do you change the seconds on Instagram story?

Changing the seconds on your Instagram story can make a big difference in the engagement and visibility of your content. To do so, follow the instructions outlined in the Instagram stories help guide. If you need a little help getting started, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Keep an eye out for our future blog posts that will delve deeper into the different features of Instagram stories. In the meantime, be sure to use the tips in this blog to help you improve the performance of your stories.

Can I upload a long video to Instagram story?

If you’re looking to share a longer video on your Instagram story, you’re in luck! Just make sure the video is under 10 minutes in length and you won’t have any issues. That being said, videos that are longer than 2 hours will only be allowed if you split them into multiple stories. So, make the most of your story space and upload a long video that’ll keep your followers engaged!

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How do you post a story longer than 15 seconds?

There’s nothing quite as engaging as a story that lasts longer than 15 seconds. But how do you go about posting one that’s longer than that? Well, you can use multimedia elements on your blog to help extend the story. Plus, social media is a great way to promote your stories to a wider audience. You can include videos, photos, and polls to keep your readers engaged. And of course, you can utilize blogrolls and Featured Posts to give readers more content to explore on your site. So, whether you’re looking for a new way to captivate your followers or just want to share a longer story, multimedia is a great way to go!

How do you extend the story on Instagram?

Instagram followers love a good story, and that’s why adding interesting facts, background stories, or showcases of products is a great way to extend the story on Instagram. Uploading frequently will help followers stay interested in your posts, and using creative filters can bring your images to life in a truly amazing way. When it comes to extending the story, hashtags are a great way to do just that. Add a few relevant hashtags to each of your images and you’ll be well on your way to a story that followers will love!

How do you extend the story on Instagram
How do you extend the story on Instagram?

How do you make your Instagram stories longer than 15 seconds?

Instagram stories are a great way to share your story with your followers. They’re short, sweet, and to the point – just the way we like it. But if you want your stories to be longer, there are a few things you can do to make that happen. The first step is to utilize Instagram’s new Live Story feature. This allows you to create a story that is interactive and lets your followers participate in the story. You can also shoot video in landscape mode for a more immersive experience. When it comes to effects, you can use motion graphics and effects to add interest and excitement to your stories. And if you want your stories to be longer, start by increasing the number of videos you upload per day. And that’s all for this installment of “How to make your Instagram stories longer than 15 seconds.”

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How do you make your Instagram stories longer than 15 seconds?

How do you post a 20 second video on Instagram?

Adding a quick 20-second video to your Instagram account is a breeze! First, set up your camera and start filming. Next, follow these simple steps to get your clip ready to upload: – Choose the perfect location for your shot – Press “Save” to upload your clip to Instagram – Once your clip is uploaded, you can share it with your followers by selecting the “Share” button on the bottom right corner of the video.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you extend the picture on an Instagram story?

To extend a picture on an Instagram story, you first need to open the story app and then tap the camera button at the bottom. After that, you can start taking pictures by holding down the button and moving the camera around. When you’re done, release the button to save your picture.

Can you change story length on Instagram?

Yes, users can change the story length on Instagram. This feature is available through the app’s settings menu.

Why is my Instagram story picture only 5 seconds?

Instagram stories are only 5 seconds long.

How do you extend the length of a clip on Instagram?

You can’t. Instagram only allows a clip to be up to 15 seconds long.

How do you make an Instagram profile picture fit?

There are a few different ways to make an Instagram profile picture fit on the app. You can upload a photo that you’ve taken with a smartphone or camera, or use a photo that’s been shared by someone else on the app. After you apply the steps, you can view your Instagram image in full size, fully fit on Instagram.

How do you make an Instagram profile picture fit
How do you make an Instagram profile picture fit?

How long can a video be for an Instagram story?

A video can be up to 60 seconds long for an Instagram story.

How do I post a vertical picture on Instagram without cropping it?

To post a vertical picture on Instagram without cropping it, open the Instagram app and go to your profile. Tap the three lines in the top left corner of the screen. Under “Layout,” tap the “Picture” button. Drag the picture to the center of the screen, and then tap the “crop” button at the bottom of the screen.

How do you create an Instagram story highlight?

To create a story highlight on Instagram, follow these steps: -Open your Instagram app and open your story -Find the photo or video you want to highlight and tap on it -On the story’s toolbar, tap on the three dots in the top right corner of the story and select “Highlight this story” -On the new highlighted story screen, choose a style from the dropdown menu and enter a brief caption. -Hit “Post” to upload your story highlight to your account.

How do I post 2 pictures on an Instagram story?

To post a story on Instagram, open the app and tap the three lines in the top left corner of the screen. From there, select “ stories ” on the right. Tap on the story you want to post and then tap on the two pictures in the bottom left corner of the screen. Drag one of the pictures up to the top of the story and drag the other picture down below it.

How long do photos stay on Instagram?

Instagram claims that a photo will be visible on the app for up to six weeks after it is posted.

Why can’t I post Instagram stories from my gallery?

Instagram stories can only be posted from a user’s profile.

Why does my Instagram not have the add posts to story feature?

Instagram has removed the add posts to story feature from many people’s stories. This feature was removed because it was not working well and people were not using it. That’s why Instagram is not showing story views too.

Why can’t I see my Instagram stories?

Instagram stories are a feature of Instagram that allows you to share short videos with your followers. Since they’re short videos, Instagram stories may temporarily disappear if you’re not using your phone or app. You can always re-open stories by refreshing the page.

Why isn’t my Instagram account loading pictures?

Instagram is a social media platform where users can share pictures and videos. The app may not be loading pictures because of a network issue or a problem with your phone.


Thanks for reading! In this blog, we will be discussing the different ways to make your Instagram stories longer and shorter, as well as how to upload long videos to Instagram stories. Make sure to check out the tips below and start experimenting with new story lengths today!

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