If you have been following social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, then you would know that one of the most popular features is message swipe reply. However, lately, a lot of users are facing an issue where this feature isn’t working as expected. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing the reasons for this problem and how to fix it. So if you’re having trouble messaging friends on Instagram or Snapchat, be sure to read on!
Reasons for Instagram Message Swipe Reply Not Working
Instagram message swipe replies not working can be frustrating, but there are usually solutions available. One possible reason is that you may have stopped using the app. If that’s the case, try restarting it and checking if that solves the problem.

If you’re using a third-party messaging app like WhatsApp, make sure to turn off push notifications for Instagram so it doesn’t flood your phone with messages. Finally, try refreshing your page and checking if that fixes the issue. Regardless of the reason, always try to reach out to Instagram support for help. They are always happy to help out!
How To Fix Instagram Message Swipe Reply Not Working
If you’re having a tough time responding to messages on Instagram, it might be because swipe reply not working that is preventing you from doing so. Follow these steps to fix it:
Link Facebook account with Instagram
If you’ve linked your Facebook account with Instagram, messages will be sent from your Facebook account rather than your Instagram account. To
do this
- Go to your profile settings
- Go to the top right of Instagram and use the Menu button (). The next step is to select the Settings option.
- Find Instagram’s Account Settings page.
You may access the Accounts Center from the Meta menu in Settings.
- When you’re in the Accounts Center, select Setup Accounts Center, and then Add Facebook Account.
- When you click that button, you’ll be taken to Facebook’s login page, where you can sign in using the account you’d like to share content from.
- Continue as [your Facebook name] when requested.
The redirected page continues in your current form
Complete the Accounts Center setup. Your identity and name can be synchronized if you so want. When you click Continue, your Instagram and Facebook profiles will be linked.
Clear Instagram cache
Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to share photographs and videos. It can be used for personal or professional purposes, and many people use it to post photos of their daily lives. However, occasional problems may occur with the app’s swipe reply feature, notifications, or general functionality.
You can try solving them by deleting the cache of Instagram app. Let us show you how to do it.
Here are the steps you need to do to clear your Instagram cache on Android.
- The first thing you need to do is go into your Android’s settings.
- Navigate to the ‘Apps’ area of the settings.
- Navigate to Instagram on your device’s app library.
- Launch the Instagram program by clicking on it.
You’ll find a pull-down menu with two choices.
Clear Data and Clear Cache
When you choose to clean your cache, Instagram will delete all of your recently viewed photos and videos from its local storage (It will not delete any other data, including login details).
If you tap Clear Data, your Instagram account information will be deleted. That being said, you’ll need to sign in to your Instagram account once more.
Now, let’s say you have an iPhone and want to do the same on it.
The only way available is to delete/ remove the Instagram app from your iPhone and reinstall it.
- Go to the settings section on your iPhone.
- In the settings area, click on the General Settings option.
- There, you can find iPhone Storage.
- Inside the Storage section, you will find all the installed apps and their storage usage. Find Instagram and delete the app from your phone.
It will delete all the locally stored data.
Now, reinstall the Instagram app and start using it without any issues.
Update the Instagram app
Instagram message swipe replies not working can be a frustrating experience, especially if you’re trying to chat with friends and family members. Here are some tips on how to update the Instagram app and try other methods if those don’t work
Easy steps to updating your Instagram:
- Launch the app store
- Use the app store search function by tapping the search symbol in the upper right corner and typing in “Instagram.”
- A picture of a search bar in the app store
- After doing so, look for Instagram in the list of results and navigate to the right. The updated app will indicate “open.”
- It will say “update” if an update is required.
- Select the “update” button.
- Update
- Open the app when the update is complete.
Restart your Phone
If you’re having trouble with Instagram message swipe reply not working, one possible solution is to restart your phone. Clearing your cache and cookies can also help if that doesn’t work. If that still fails, contact Instagram support for assistance.
Restart Android Devices
- After pressing and holding the power button for one to two seconds, the menu of power options will show
- Now, you can let go of the power button.
- On the menu, select either the Restart or Power off option.
- It may take up to a minute for your phone to restart and bring you back to the home screen when you do so.
Restart Your iPhone
- Simply hold down the power and home buttons simultaneously.
- Hold both buttons down until the Apple logo appears, and then let go of them both.
- Hold tight as your iPhone performs a restart.
- Done!
Uninstall and Reinstall Instagram
Instagram may be blocking a specific message type. To fix it, uninstall and reinstall Instagram. Sometimes the issue is with your phone or Wi-Fi connection. Try restarting your phone if that doesn’t work. Uninstalling the Instagram update solves a ton of issues, lets’s try it out.
On Android
The best way to uninstall and reinstall Instagram on Android is by using the ‘Uninstall’ feature in the app’s settings. On some devices, you may also be able to remove Instagram from your device entirely by going into ‘System Settings’ then under ‘Apps,’ selecting Instagram, and tapping on the option that says “Remove.” Finally, install Instagram again either through the Google Play Store.
On iPhone
- Simply holding down on an icon for an extended period of time will bring up the app’s contextual Quick Actions menu.
- The App Library and the Home Screen can serve as shortcuts to these functions. Use any one; they’re both valid options.
- Select Remove App if you’re sure that’s the only program you want to uninstall.
- Select “Delete App” from the drop-down option that displays.
- Tap Delete on the confirmation pop-up to confirm.
- Then go to Apps Store, search for Instagram, and Download it.
Log out and Login Again
Instagram may be blocking your account for a variety of reasons- usually, it’s because their terms of service aren’t being met. To fix the issue, you’ll need to log out from Instagram and then log in again.
Follow these steps to log out from Instagram:
- Click your profile pic in the bottom right to view it.
- Click the three lines at the top right, then the gear.
- Scroll down to “Log out [username].”
- Click “Not now” or “Remember” to save Instagram’s login details.
- Log out. Done
Undo The Instagram Update
Sometimes clearing your cache or cookies will help, but if that doesn’t work there is always the option to contact Instagram’s support team for assistance.
Instagram users are reporting that the swipe reply feature is not working as it should be. In order to fix this, you need to undo the latest update of Instagram. Here are the steps:
- Go to your phone’s “settings” menu.
- Click the “apps” tab next.
- Tap on “Instagram”
- Just hit the “Show System” button.
- Activate the app by clicking its icon.
- After that, delete Instagram’s most recent update and confirm your decision by clicking “OK.”
If you own an iPhone and want to undo the Instgaram update, follow this video
Check for Instagram Daily Limits & Use VPN
Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos with friends and followers. It’s an excellent way to connect with others, build relationships, and exchange ideas. However, like all social media platforms, Instagram can be used for more than just communicating – it can also be used for business purposes. One common problem that users experience on Instagram is message swipe replies not working. This occurs when the sender of a message doesn’t receive notification that the recipient has accepted or declined the message. To resolve this issue, you will need to check for Instagram daily limits as well as use a VPN if necessary. Sometimes the limit issues can be resolved on their own after some time but in some cases, they may require a workaround or a more permanent solution. Always consult with an expert if you are having trouble using your account or messages swipe reply not working on Instagram
Check The Instagram Server Status
If you’re having trouble sending or receiving messages on Instagram, there might be a problem with the server. To check and fix it, try checking the Instagram server status and try again later. If that doesn’t work, try contacting Instagram support for assistance.
Check For Instagram Action Block
If you are having trouble sending messages through Instagram, there might be a few things you can do to resolve the issue. Firstly, make sure that you aren’t blocking someone in your follow list – this will prevent them from receiving your message. If swipe reply isn’t working, it could be because the message is being sent to a group instead of an individual. If all else fails and you still cannot send messages through Instagram, please contact Instagram support for help.
See if the User Deactivated His Account
If you are trying to send a message to a user and their account is inactive, one possible solution is to contact the user and ask them to activate their account again. Sometimes users might have switched devices or they might have blocked notifications from Instagram – in these cases, this method won’t work. If none of the solutions mentioned above work, it’s probably safe to assume that the user has deactivated their account completely. In this case, your best option would be to reach out via other social media channels such as email or messaging apps.
Fix Your Internet Connection
If your Instagram message swipe reply is not working, there are a number of possible reasons. One of which is if your internet connection isn’t up to scratch. If you’re using a mobile network then make sure you’re getting the best signal possible.
If you are experiencing any issues with your internet connection, there are a few things that you can do to try and fix the issue.
- First, if possible, try restarting your router or modem.
- If this doesn’t work, then you may need to consult a technician about repairing or replacing your equipment.
If neither of these solutions works, then one last resort is to connect directly to the Internet using an Ethernet cable instead of through Wi-Fi. This will bypass any internal hardware problems and allow you to troubleshoot the issue offline.
Additionally, be sure to check for malware or spyware infections when connecting over the Internet; this could be causing interference with your online experience. Finally, keep in mind that some websites (like Instagram) require a fast internet connection in order not to suffer from lag or slow page load times. So make sure that your device is up-to-date and has enough memory before attempting to access those sites.
Check if you are blocked
If you are not getting any replies to your messages on Instagram, it might be because someone is blocking you. To check if someone has blocked you on Instagram, open your profile and go to the settings page. Here, you will see a list of people who have been banned from sending messages to you. If this person is listed, unblock them and try messaging them again – should work now!
The Sender Has Unsent The DMs
In cases where the sender accidentally unsent a message or the recipient doesn’t reply to messages as soon as they are sent, there are several things that can be done in order to try and get the message back. The first option is to send a new message directly instead of through Instagram’s messaging system. This will bypass any possible blocking on the part of the recipient.
If that doesn’t work, it might be worth trying sending messages through another social media account or messenger app – just in case this is someone’s preferred method of communication. If all else fails, it may be best to give up on trying to contact them altogether and move on from this situation.
Try To Contact Instagram Support
If you’re experiencing issues sending messages through Instagram’s swipe feature, it might be helpful to try contacting customer support. They will be able to help troubleshoot the issue and get your messages working again.
How to Reply to a Specific Message on Instagram using Swipe to Reply
Swipe to reply is one of the best features of Instagram – it makes messaging on the app much more streamlined and easy. However, if you’re struggling to reply to a specific message, try swiping to reply. Just swipe left when you see the message you want to reply to and boom – your reply is there! Make sure your account settings are correct so that notifications for new messages show up in the app. If all else fails, contact Instagram support for help troubleshooting this issue.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why can I not swipe to reply on Instagram?
If you are using Instagram on a mobile device and you cannot swipe to reply, it might be because the settings for swipe to reply are turned off. To fix this, open Instagram and go to Settings -> Messages -> Swipe to Reply. If this does not work, it is possible that you have enabled Two Factor Authentication (2FA). In order to turn on 2FA, you’ll need to sign in to your account and then go to Security & Login -> Add security step. From there, select 2FA and follow the prompts.

How do you set a swipe reply on Instagram?
To set up a swipe reply on Instagram, first, go to your profile settings and look for “Swipe Replies.” When someone sends you a message, simply swipe left on the message if you want to ignore it or right if you want to reply. If the person has multiple accounts linked with yours on Instagram, they will be able to see all of their replies regardless of whether or not you’ve replied individually.
How do I fix a quick reply on Instagram?
If you’re having trouble responding to messages and replies on Instagram, it may be because of a blocked number or region. To fix this issue, uninstall Instagram from your device and then reinstall it. Make sure that your phone is connected to the internet at all times while using Instagram as this will prevent any errors from occurring. If you still have trouble after following these steps, try uninstalling and reinstalling Instagram again one more time.
Why can I not swipe to reply on Instagram?
It’s possible that your swipe to reply on Instagram isn’t working because you’re using an old version of the app, or else you might be using an app that’s interfering with Instagram. To check if you’re using an old version of the app, open Instagram and tap on the three lines in the top-left corner.
If the version number at the bottom is “24.0”, then you’re using an old app and your swipe-to-reply feature won’t work. If you’re using a new device or if you’ve just upgraded your account, make sure to refresh your settings and try again. If this still doesn’t work, it might be time for a fresh start – delete all of your posts from Instagram, reload the app and add all of your posts again from scratch.
How do you set a swipe reply on Instagram?
To set a swipe reply on Instagram, first, open the account and go to your profile settings. Next, tap on “Swipe to Reply” at the top right corner of any comment or story. Now type in the person name whom you want to reply to and hit the “Send Message” button.

How do I fix a quick reply on Instagram?
If you’re experiencing an issue where quick replies on Instagram are not working, here are a few steps that you can take to try and fix the problem: 1. Clear your browser’s cache and cookies. 2. Try disabling AdBlock for Instagram on your device. 3. Check if your account is linked with a public profile. If it is, make sure to switch it to a private profile to see quick replies work properly.
Why can’t I reply to Instagram Stories?
It seems that Instagram is blocking your account from sending messages to other users in Stories. There are a few things you can do in order to fix the issue. 1. Delete and reinstall Instagram: If deleting and reinstalling Instagram doesn’t work, try clearing the cache and cookies on your device. 2. Contact Instagram support: If these methods don’t work, you may need to contact Instagram support for assistance.
Why can’t I see my messages on Instagram?
There could be a few reasons why your messages are not showing up on Instagram. One reason could be that you have not verified your account. Verification helps to make sure that you are who you say you are and that all of your information is correct. If you have verified your account and still aren’t seeing messages, it might be because the message swipe reply feature isn’t working for you because of your phone’s settings. Try clearing your cache and cookies on the app and make sure there are no other apps running in the background preventing it from working properly.
Why have my Instagram messages stopped working?
If your Instagram messages are not being sent, there could be a few possible reasons. Some of the possible causes include A low battery, an issue with your phone number or you may have limited storage on your phone. To fix the problem, try these steps: Restart your phone and check if there is enough space to save messages. Disable any notifications for Instagram so that it doesn’t get in the way of sending messages.
Why does Instagram show I have a message when I don’t?
One possible reason why Instagram may show you a message that you have replied to when in actuality, the message hasn’t been sent, is because your phone’s battery might be low. To fix this problem, try restarting both your phone and the Instagram app. If that doesn’t work then try deleting and reinstalling both apps from their respective App Stores.
How come my message option on Instagram is not coming up?
There could be a few reasons why your message option on Instagram is not coming up. However, the most common one is that your phone is not connected to the internet. To fix it, try going to Settings on your phone and connecting it to Instagram again. If that doesn’t work, try clearing your cache and data in the App Store/Google Play Store and reinstalling Instagram.
Why can’t I see Instagram’s direct messages?
If you are not able to see direct messages on your Instagram account, it might be because your account is private or banned. If this is the case, you will not be able to see DMs. Additionally, if you use an iPhone and have switched off “Notifications for Direct Messages”, then the DMs may not show up on your feed. However, if you are using an Android phone and want to receive DM notifications on Instagram, make sure to enable them from your Apps Settings.

Why is my message not delivered on Instagram?
It’s possible that your message may not have been delivered on Instagram because the recipient doesn’t have Instagram installed or isn’t using it. Additionally, they may have turned off their notifications for new messages from you. If you’re still having trouble getting a message through, make sure to send it from an approved account and also try messaging them again soon.
Why can’t I unsend a message on Instagram?
Most likely, your phone is not set up to receive swipe replies. To fix this issue, follow these steps: 1. Open Instagram on your phone and go to the profile of the person you want to reply to. 2. Tap on the message that you want to reply to and then tap on ‘Swipe left (or Swipe right if it’s a Direct Message). 3. If the recipient has liked or commented on your post, then their name will appear in a green box next to their comment. 4. Tap on their name and then tap ‘Reply’.
How can you tell if an Instagram direct message was opened?
If you are getting the “This message wasn’t delivered” error on your Instagram, it might be because a direct message you sent was not opened. To test this, try following these steps: 1. Clear your cache and cookies. 2. Try restarting your device. 3. Disable third party apps that may be using Instagram’s Direct Message function.
Instagram message swipe reply not working can be frustrating, but don’t worry! Our blog will teach you how to fix this issue. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you will be able to reply to specific messages on Instagram using swipe to reply. Thank you for reading and we hope this helps!
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Unsure of how to start the recovery of your QIWI wallet funds?
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We get it how disheartening that can be.
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Recovering your money shouldn’t be troublesome.
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We get it how disheartening that can be.
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We get it how frustrating that can be.
No need to worry—our company specializes in getting back lost funds from QIWI wallets.
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Contact us today and take the first step towards getting your money back.
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Worried about your QIWI wallet transactions?
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Your trust in us is our number one concern. That’s why we operate with full transparency
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Just provide us with some basic information, and we’ll handle everything else.
Don’t allow fraudsters keep you from your savings.
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Contact us today and begin reclaiming your funds.
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Retrieving your lost funds shouldn’t be complicated.
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Don’t allow technical problems prevent you from your hard-earned money.
We’re committed to help you recover every penny.
Your confidence in us is our top priority.
That’s why we operate with full honesty and commitment to your satisfaction.
Feel the comfort of recovering your QIWI wallet balance with our professional
Reclaiming what’s yours shouldn’t be troublesome. That’s why our
service is simple and transparent.
You just need to supply the necessary details, and we’ll take
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Don’t let fraudsters keep you from your funds. We’re committed to help
you recover every cent.
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We know how frustrating that can be.
No need to worry—our team specializes in recovering missing money from QIWI wallets.
Having an experienced team, we’re positive we can assist you.
Get in touch and let’s get to work of getting your money back.
Recovering your lost funds shouldn’t be complicated.
That’s why our service is user-friendly and open.
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